We are flexing hard in 2012. Check out these new articles and YouTube videos we produced, and see what else we’re working on:

Once upon a time, we were happy just to get Flex Your Rights mentioned on the web. Now we’re creating blockbuster content for major sites. The total readership of these three pieces is more than 500 thousand!

  1. Scott Morgan’s "5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide)" generated a flood of traffic and discussion at Huffington Post and AlterNet.
  2. My article, "7 Rules for Recording Police," was featured in the libertarian Reason.com, the progressive AlterNet, and the massively-popular Gizmodo tech blog.
  3. In advance of the popular 4/20 holiday, Scott reached out to marijuana enthusiasts with a front-page exclusive AlterNet article, "5 Ways to Avoid Getting Busted for Pot." The piece has been linked all over the web and surely kept some people out of jail.

New YouTube Videos
Our new How to Deal with Cops series on the Flex Your Rights YouTube channel has reached more than 70 thousand views. Scott and I are producing these webcam videos, which cover a variety of audience-requested topics. Be sure to check ’em out and suggest a topic in the comments.
Speaking of YouTube, our channel now has more than 18 million views  … and growing!

Future Projects
Following up on my "7 Rules for Recording Police" article, we’re developing a new full-action Flex video on the topic. Hawk Jensen, the producer of Reason.TV’s powerful The Government’s War on Cameras video is directing this one. I’ll certainly be updating you on this in the weeks to come.
As you can see, we’re accomplishing big things for an organization running on a shoestring budget. To keep on creating new and better content, we need your support now more than ever.

Please consider making a large or small tax-deductible donation today — because our work is only possible through the continued support of freedom fighters like you.

Thank you!

Steve Silverman

P.S. You may also send a check donation (made out to Flex Your Rights) to P.O. Box 21497, Washington, DC 20009.