10 Rules: Testimonials
"A precipitating cause of the American Revolution was the power of British officers in the American colonies to search homes and offices anytime they chose, period. This led to the 4th amendment in our Constitution protecting us from such government invasion of our fundamental privacy rights. The 4th Amendment has been on life support during both the Bush-Cheney and Obama administrations. The clearest and most constitutionally-grounded guide for all of us against this government contempt for our 4th Amendment rights is 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. It should be shown in schools, in local legislatures and in Congress." Nat Hentoff |
“Legally accurate, realistic and entertaining. This film will prepare you for how policing is done in America. Only those police officers who disregard the law have something to fear from its message. As an ex-cop, I thank Flex Your Rights for all you’ve done and continue to do.” Norm Stamper, Ph.D., Former Chief of the Seattle Police Department & Author of Breaking Rank: A Top Cop’s Expose of the Dark Side of American Policing |
“I carefully read through the screenplay for 10 Rules thinking hard about what I would change or how I could contribute. I couldn’t find anything. I think Flex Your Rights has done a masterful job in putting this program together. I look forward to sharing 10 Rules with my students.” |
“As the criminal justice system continues to target people of color, 10 Rules is an essential first line of defense. While some elements of our government nationwide still cling to weak denials about profiling, this film provides valuable information that can protect people of color while we insist on long-term solutions to end bias-based policing.” |
“10 Rules will educate all individuals about how to safely exercise their rights and protect themselves against abusive and illegal police behavior. It should be required viewing in high schools across the country.” |
"Chronic disregard for civil rights is tearing apart the fabric of America. Flex Your Rights has hit the nail on the head in this hard-hitting instructional video." |
“Good community policing is impossible when officers disrespect constitutional rights. 10 Rules will help citizens understand their rights and ensure that law enforcement is professional and accountable to the public.” |
“10 Rules will be a valuable teaching tool that can help citizens at all levels — young and old — to understand what they’re up against and how to protect themselves during the potentially volatile situation of an unexpected police encounter.” Prof. David A. Harris, Professor of Law and Values, The University of Toledo College of Law, Author of Profiles in Injustice: Why Racial Profiling Cannot Work & Good Cops: The Case for Preventive Policing |
“I read the 10 Rules screenplay and am thoroughly pleased. It is well written, and I believe it realistically and fairly grasps the issue of racial profiling. Go forward!” Rev. Reginald T. Jackson, Executive Director, Black Ministers’ Council of New Jersey & Pastor, St. Matthew A.M.E. Church |
“10 Rules is an outstanding screenplay that resonates with authenticity, ripples with humor, and draws blood with its pointed examination of law enforcement in our cities. America’s urban youth will love this movie, which talks straight and provides crucial, relevant advice on how to use America’s unique Constitutional protections. Two thumbs up.” Eric E. Sterling, Esq., President, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation & Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology, George Washington University |
“The law can be complicated, but by mastering The 10 Rules you can increase the chances of protecting your constitutional rights during stressful police encounters.” Nkechi Taifa, Esq., Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society Institute |