scene of the thoughtcrime

If you’re not yet following Flex Your Rights on Facebook and Twitter, you might have missed this weird story.

Last week the DCist blog published the search warrant affidavit for a recent raid of the popular Capitol Hemp store. In it police allege that water pipes and other smoking accessories sold there were intended for illegal use. Their evidence includes the fact that the store sold Flex Your Rights DVDs!

Read more strange details about this on my blog post.

Needless to say, it’s disturbing that DC police see our educational DVDs as a "tool for deceiving law enforcement." The Bill of Rights is not a trick or a loophole to protect criminals. It’s the highest law of the land. It’s also a template for good police work and good citizenship. That’s what Flex Your Rights is all about.

To stay updated on developments with this story, please be sure to follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook.

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